Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
We respect and are committed to protecting your privacy. That is why we have adopted this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy lets you know how your personal information is processed and used. TheSavvyAnalyst and its associates will take steps to use your personal information only in ways that are compatible with this Privacy Policy. The following policies are only in effect for the Web pages, newsletters and opt-in announcement lists owned and operated by TheSavvyAnalyst.
Collection of Information
Every computer connected to the Internet is given a domain name and a set of numbers, that serve as that computer's "Internet Protocol" IP address. The IP address reveals nothing personal about you other than the IP address from which you have accessed our site. We use this information to examine our levels of traffic, but do not collect and evaluate this information for individuals. We do not record e-mail addresses of visitors, unless the visitor chooses to create an account or voluntarily provide their e-mail. We may also request your e-mail address or mailing address for the purposes of conducting a survey or to provide additional services (for example, subscriptions to e-mail newsletters or announcement lists). TheSavvyAnalyst will not send you email that you have not agreed to receive. We may from time to time send e-mails announcing new products and services.
Information Disclosure
TheSavvyAnalyst will use reasonable precaution to keep information disclosed to us secure.TheSavvyAnalyst reserves the right to transfer information in connection with the sale of all or part of TheSavvyAnalyst's assets.
Your Consent To This Agreement
By using this website, you consent to the collection and use of information as specified above. You also agree to be subject to our Terms of Use. Privacy policy information may be amended from time to time with or without notification to you.